Onnit is where I evolved

I was at Onnit for nearly 7 years. During my time there I had the privilege of working alongside some of the most talented designers I’ve ever met. Before Onnit, I was just a graphic designer taking shots in the dark hoping for the best. I had ability and skill but I lacked fundamentals, it was like knowing how to shoot 3 pointers but not knowing how to dribble properly. I was immediately surrounded by designers that understood exactly how to nurture my ability and truly guide me into the next levels. That continued for almost 7 years. During that time I practiced and honed nearly every facet of the design disciplines. Now equipped with a reinforced concrete foundation and experience in all the moving parts of a marketing team, I am confident there is no task too large to handle. Below you will find some of my favorite and most diverse examples of what I achieved during my time at Onnit.


At Onnit we have two major sales a year, Black Friday and Semi-Annual. Every year we pick a theme and one designer usually spearheads the project. I’ve lead a few of these large disruptive sales now but this is the one I’m most proud of. I had to flex a few design muscles I’ve never used before. I have never attempted anything stop motion in my career and jumping in with both feet for one of our most important sales of the year was a pretty big risk. Stop motion required me to switch up my thinking, like most designers I’ve become very accustomed to digital design, it’s comfy, unlimited undo’s and all that. Taking my digital designs and printing them out many hundreds of times added a layer of complexity that I felt I underestimated at first. Sticking with it and coming up with some creative decisions along the lead to what I believe was one of our more successful semi-annual sales.


We’ve got some semi-annual and now I want to show a couple black friday/cyber monday assets. While I was not the lead on this theme I was tasked with some motion graphics that, at the time, I had very little experience with. One of the many scenarios at Onnit where I was put in a position to learn and learn quickly.